Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What to Watch... What to Not


Hooray for THE HANGOVER.

By now, you've probably already seen the movie or heard about how good it is.
I have to admit, when I first saw the trailer, I thought the movie seemed lame. Like an idea WAY overdone.
But of course, after hearing the great reviews, I went to watch it and I'm not disappointed.
I think the best part of the movie is the acting. They really reacted to situations like how I think real people (like my friends) would have reacted!
And also, I thought it was cool that the main characters were older. Not in high school or college, not like a Road Trip-type movie.

And Bradley Cooper doesn't look too bad in a suit.


Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Oh no, people are going to hate me for saying this, but I just thought the movie was long and boring. I couldn't wait for it to be over.

And I'm surprised I feel this way. Everyone always says, "The book is way better," whenever they watch a movie adaptation, but Harry Potter was the one series I actually thought was better on film. Why? Because you get to see all the little whimsical elements instead of imagining them. But by the six installment, those little whimsical elements just aren't surprising anymore and get a bit old.

And the movie was quite long, but how much actually happened? Not much. Even the ending climax was a bit disappointing. For some reason, when I read the book, it didn't feel that way at all. But when you actually see on film how little action there is to move the story along, it really drags on.

But I do have to say that I enjoyed the book quite a lot. So maybe it's back to "the book is way better" for this one.

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