First of all, books are awesome. Perhaps one of the most awesome forms of entertainment in the olden days and the most awesomest awesome forms we still have today.
Nothing gives a sense of satisfaction like a good book.
Because books are awesome.
So awesome.
Okay, now let's get serious. Why books? Take a movie, for instance. I know everyone enjoys a good movie, right? Sometimes it's the emotions that get us, other times we're just searching for action or computer-generated eye candy, but the bottom line is, we want a good story. A story we'll remember even long after the credits have rolled and the lights have flicked on. And every now and then, we come across a few special movies that end up doing just that... and all after what? A few hours? Take the feeling of satisfaction from seeing a great movie and times it by a hundred--that's when you have a great book.
Besides a few narrated movies (and even then, the depth is not comparable to that of a book), the audience can never really tell what the characters are thinking, feeling inside. They can only draw on conclusions conveyed by either how a character acts or what he/she says. Sometimes, that very fact is what makes a movie good, but other times it can leave a cloud of confusion. But when you read a book, painstakingly turning each page, the words burn right off the paper and into your soul--okay, maybe not that intense, but you get the idea. :)
It's a very intimate journey, sometimes even a lonely one, but in a good way; a world where it's just you, the characters, and the story. The journey is longer than a movie, giving you ample time to really know the characters, almost being sucked into the story yourself, right alongside your favorite heroes or heroines. That indescribable feeling is very difficult, if not impossible, to get through any other means.
I guess that's a major reason why I've always been drawn to RPGs. I know I must sound like a major dork/nerd and belong at a Star Trek convention (although, with Star Trek remake, that might not seem like such a bad idea), but it's the countless hours (took me 60 hrs to beat FF VII) that makes it worthwhile. Almost as if you had to work for the fulfillment, giving you even GREATER fulfillment in return. Okay, I know it doesn't exactly make sense, but it's true... at least, for me.
I can also completely understand why people are turned off by books--high school ruined it for everyone, including myself. Maybe even before then. I'd say starting from junior high. Being forced to read all those boring books (Lord of the Flies anyone?) starts making you think, no believe, that all books are ever good for is collecting dust. But I can guarantee that anyone who has given reading a second chance has never looked back and knows how great it can be.
I also have to clear up a thing or two about young adult novels. I've read both adult and young adult novels and honestly, the only difference is the main character's age. The writing is not less professional, in fact, I even believe some young adult authors write better than adult fiction writers. Nor is the storyline less compelling, and often times, again, I find even more compelling than adult fiction. Too frequently, adult fiction tries to push boundaries, bring something new to the table, and in the process, certain qualities are lost and the novel never truly shines. However, young adult novels stay pretty true to the basics--creative plots, a bit of magic, good heart, great laughs, bravery, friendship, love, all the fundamentals of a great story.
On that note, try City of Bones (pictured up top), the first book in The Mortal Instruments trilogy. It's currently my favorite book, the kind you don't want to put down. It has definitely distracted me from studying for my CPA exam, forcing me to stay up to 9am on several occasions. I read all three books within a few days and I'm even tempted to read them again! Some parts are a bit similar to the novel I'm currently working on (like it will ever get published, but one can dream), but it's well worth recommending. If you haven't read in a while and you don't like fantasy books, I think it's something worth giving a shot--it might just change your mind.
well said. i do agree that there can be young adult books that are just as good as adult books. in those cases the only difference is the age of the main character
you do have to avoid the 'gossip girl' types though :) you DO avoid those...hmmmmmm?
i never knew you were a reader! so am i jas<3 thanks for the referrals. im definitely going to check them out. q is all good. omg. he almost died. i guess its called Feline Urethral Obstruction. its supposedly the dry food that caused it. doesnt happen to all cats not even majority. just some. like q :(
miss you.
as you know, since i lay down next to you while you read too, i finished the book and i must say it is enjoyable even though it is horribly written in the beginning (the size of "a baby's fist" etc., etc.)
your story is much more creative and less cornball than this one
the characters are also funnier and more likeable
Hi Clam,
Thanks for your comment :)
And for being so encouraging about my bland characters and horrible writing. Although, I agree that the plot is good. ^_^
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